Have you ever wondered Why Brahmins Don’t Eat Onion and Garlic? Then, Read this article to find out Why Brahmins Don’t Eat Onion and Garlic.

Hindu priests are descended from the Brahmin caste, known for preserving and transmitting sacred knowledge. A significant number of the members of the Hindu community are Brahmin scholars and priests. By participating in rituals and vratas, Brahmins are devoted to their religious norms and deeply connected to God. Brahmins believe that sattvic foods promote mental serenity, calmness, truthfulness, and mental control at all times. Spiritual followers avoid garlic and onions because they activate the central nervous system and may interfere with celibacy pledges.
This is the primary reason Brahmins choose to consume only Sattvic foods. Raja’s foods can pique your yearning for sensual delights. Your erotic feelings have been known to rise when eating onions. This is one of the primary causes of the previous restrictions on onions. Brahmins believe that when we consume foods that fall under the Tamas group, such as onions and garlic, we acquire traits like an evil mind, a propensity for rage, and an inability to regulate our thoughts. This is why consuming onions and garlic has traditionally been frowned upon.
However, Brahmins discovered alternative ayurvedic medicines to treat the same illnesses, although some people think that garlic helps to remedy specific health problems. These principles and beliefs were put in place to control our constantly changing thoughts because it is known that humans are descended from monkeys. Instead, we human beings cannot exert any mental discipline. Brahmins think that abstaining from foods like onions, garlic, beef, etc., is necessary to achieve serenity and accomplish their mission in life. To avoid doing anything that might cause them to lose focus on God, they abstain from doing such things.
Brain impulses become disorganized due to garlic’s toxic effects. Because it will double or triple response time, pilots are forbidden from touching garlic 72 hours before a flight. It has long been known that plants in the garlic family are toxic to canines for the same reason.
Garlic is regarded as unhealthy for the gut, liver, and eyes in Chinese society, and when eaten in excess, it can lead to drowsiness and scattered energy.
Even in Western cuisine and health, garlic is only sometimes considered advantageous. Healthcare experts agree that garlic kills both helpful and harmful bacteria necessary for the body to function properly.
As well as cigarettes, alcohol, and prescription drugs, reiki practitioners say that onions and garlic are among the first compounds to be eliminated from a person’s system. Alliaceous plants should be avoided for health reasons because they harm the human body, as is clear from this.
When homeopathic medicine realizes that red onions cause a dry cough, watery eyes, coughing, a runny nose, and other well-known cold-related symptoms when ingested, it comes to the same conclusion.
This social class is split into three groups: Samartha, who worship both Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu; Sri Vaishnava, who follow Lord Laxmi Narayana; and Vaishnava, who worship Lord Vishnu. They adhere to a very strict and unique diet in addition to their strict culture. Onion and garlic are among the items that are forbidden in their kitchens.
Additionally, it is thought that people in the early times didn’t consume onions and garlic. While some of them have altered over time, some Brahmin households still avoid eating onions and garlic. On this, there are many opinions offered. The meal is divided into three groups according to Ayurveda: Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas. The term “sattva” alludes to sattvic foods, which enable us to constantly keep our cognitive abilities in check by promoting mental serenity, keeping our bodies cool while remaining calm, and promoting peace of mind. This might be the primary factor explaining why Brahmins consistently favor Sattvic cuisine.
The second variety of cuisine is known for fostering earthly joys; it falls into the Rajas group. Rajasic foods are extremely spicy, acidic, bitter, or salted. The mind becomes agitated and unmanageable when rajasic food is consumed in excess. Rajasic behavior also includes hastily eating meals. Onions were prohibited in early times for this reason, among others.
Tamas is the last subcategory. Tasmic cuisine contains tough-to-digest meat, chicken, seafood, eggs, and alcohol made carelessly or viciously. We become furious after ingesting these because our minds become evil and out of control. The worst of all unhealthy behaviors, snacking excessively, is regarded as Tasmic.
These may be the causes of individuals staying away from onions and garlic. Another justification is that it makes people acidic and is unsuitable for meditation. Humans lack both self- and mind-control. Consequently, by eliminating foods like onion and garlic, the Brahmins considered this their first move toward achieving harmony.
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