Are you looking to know the Side Effects of Eating Maida? Then, Read this article to find out all the Side Effects of Eating Maida.

In most Indian recipes like parathas, bhaturas, or baked items, refined flour or maida is the common ingredient that is present. It is an integral part of our everyday life, and we cannot eliminate it completely from our diet. It is widely used in many recipes as it provides better texture and a strong feel in the food that is being prepared. It is present in the morning breakfast in the sandwiches, in the cake that melts in our mouth when we get strong cravings for pastries, and in the street food momos, parathas, or samosas. Most of the processed Western foods like pasta, pizza, burgers, and noodles are made from maida, which has no nutritional value present in it. Moreover, it is also present in biscuits and cookies that are baked.
If you are a pastry or street food lover, it is time to give it a second thought, as research shows there are side effects of consuming maida in our everyday diet. When you are aware that consuming a particular food is harmful to your body, the question that needs to be asked is, is it worth eating maida in our everyday diet? In this article, we will look into the side effects of eating maida as it can end up causing many health issues like weight gain, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, bloating, and gas. Maida is hard to digest and is a myth, as per the research done by a nutritionist. He says Maida gets digested quickly as fast as sugar, thereby causing a hike in the blood sugar level. On the other hand, whole wheat atta digests slowly in comparison to maida.
Maida or refined flour is highly processed wheat that is polished, and the bran and germ are removed from it. The nutritional value of maida is zero, but it has plenty of calories present in it. Moreover, our digestive system is unable to digest maida easily as it does not contain fibre in it. When a person eats more of such refined flour, multiple chronic diseases like cholesterol, IBS, indigestion, etc, are increased. If the maida consumption is more or when it is used regularly, it can have some adverse side effects on our bodies. During the refinement process, the fibre it contains gets eliminated. Moreover, a bleaching agent is used to bleach maida, which gives it a sleek texture and white colour. Hence, it can be a slow poison.
The direct effect it has on our body is that it will spike up the sugar level as it has a high glycemic index. When the sugar level goes up, the exocrine gland needs to work hard to release more insulin to match up with the sugar level in the body. Your body somehow manages it all once in a while, but if you consume maida regularly, the insulin production in the body will slowly reduce, leading you to be a diabetic.
When there is a hike in the blood sugar level, the glucose in the blood is increased. This results in causing a chemical reaction which is known as glycation giving rise to various inflammatory ailments, heart diseases, cataracts, etc. Another drawback of maida consumption is that it leads to weight gain. Your gut health will also be affected as it is low in fibre. Fibre is essential as it is beneficial for eliminating and detoxifying the body, thereby keeping inflammation and cholesterol in control.
The side effects of consuming maida can be summarized as follows:
- Various research has shown that maida can also lead to anxiety, depression, and overeating, resulting in depression and mood disorders.
- It has a high Glycaemic index, acidic. When more acid is formed in the body, it will take out the calcium present in our bones, affecting bone density.
- Shoots up your blood sugar level and cholesterol
- It can lead to heart problems, digestive problems, indigestion, and constipation.
- It can also increase the risk of many chronic diseases like blood pressure, pains, inflammation, obesity, etc., thereby resulting in multiple health problems, including cataracts and arthritis.
- It contains harmful chemicals like Sodium Meta Bisulphate( SMBS) and even Benzoic acid, which is especially dangerous for kids and pregnant ladies.
If maida is consumed for a prolonged period, it can lead to many health issues like inflammation, diabetes, heart disease, indigestion, etc. There is a substitute for maida. If you want to keep your body fit and healthy, switch to whole wheat flour instead of maida, especially if parathas or bread are your everyday staple. The other substitutes for maida are almond flour, lower, bajra, ragi, and whole wheat flour. Hope this article has helped you to know the side effects of eating maida. Consuming maida on occasion is not a problem, but ensure that it does not become a part of your everyday diet. Even though you can enjoy your favourite food once in a while, make sure you burn those extra calories with a good workout.
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